Saturday, April 29, 2006

Israel reported to recognize ousted Greek Orthodox leader in Jerusalem

Patriarch Theofilos III of Jersualem

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli Cabinet minister Tzachi Hanegbi has written Irineos I, the deposed leader of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, confirming Israel's recognition of him as the continuing head despite the church's appointment of Theofilos III as his successor, the daily Haaretz reported Monday.

Hanegbi heads the committee that deals with Orthodox church issues.

Irineos was ousted after he allegedly signed a land deal leasing prime church properties to Jews who seek to increase their presence in prominently Arab east Jerusalem. He has refused to recognize his ouster.

Irineos loyalists had said the deposed leader would attend Easter ceremonies last weekend, which would have ignited tensions. But he stayed away at police request.

Theofilos has petitioned Israel's Supreme Court for state recognition. Church rules require approval from all three governments where his flock lives. Unlike Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority affirmed Theofilos' election.

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