Sunday, June 18, 2006

From the Press: Mea Culpa Mea Culpa...

The travesty of justice in Durham NC (first discussed on this blog here), continues. But the media, which was initially ready to hang the three boys, and went to great lengths to defame the entire Duke Lacrosse team, now seems to have had a change of heart. The NY Times recently ran a story casting serious doubt on the entire case. And this morning we find that Newsweek (which once ran two of the boys’ mug shots on its cover!) has posted an article that can only be seen as a broadside attack on the DA. It also is highly critical of the way the media handled the case, at least in its early stages, even pointing to their own use of the mug shots on the cover. How long will this continue? The callous behavior of this man is stunning. Is there no recourse in North Carolina against a DA who is abusing the powers of his office? Mike Nifong apparently has complained about attacks from blogs. That was encouraging enough to prompt me to post this even before church (I rarely post on Sundays at all).

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