Friday, June 09, 2006

It's Over Already

OK. I am ending my neutrality. When last I addressed this subject I was careful to keep an open mind although the seeds of doubt were already firmly planted. This is no longer the case however. The so called Duke Rape case has now turned into a sick joke. I am not a lawyer (though I do have some background in criminal law). But I don’t think you have to be a lawyer to see that this case has taken more damage than the Titanic. It’s time for DA Mike Nifong to do the right thing and call it quits. There is no way that this case will result in a conviction. If the revelations keep coming at their current pace it’s possible that the DA may find himself in the embarrassing position of having the trial judge dismiss the indictment. It is morally reprehensible to keep three men under indictment when you have no case. For the latest developments you can go here.

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