Friday, September 15, 2006

Flash Bulletin: Homosexual ex Catholic joins Episopalians!

From the "and this is news because....?" files:

Rocco Palmo over at Whispers from the Loggia notes...
From the somewhat-local beat, if you live in the States, get ready to see Jim McGreevey everywhere you turn. The former governor of New Jersey -- who spun his scandal-induced fall from the nation's most powerful state office by declaring his (twice-married) self a "gay American" -- is prepping for the release of his tell-all memoir, The Confession, next Tuesday; the obligatory come-to-Oprah has already been taped, and word is that he'll also be appearing on Fox News. Expect some questions about his faith journey; in two gubernatorial runs, McGreevey made a lot of hay out of his up-from-the-bootstraps Irish Catholic ethic, being an NCR subscriber, etc. but was recently said to have "embraced" the Episcopal church.

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