Monday, April 09, 2007

O for the good old days... (the 1250's not the 1950's)

Such is the country’s obsession with the past that in a recent poll of 1,000 Belgians, ages 35 to 65, by the Flemish Heritage Foundation, a majority of respondents said that if they could go back to high school, they would study history, with 30 percent choosing the Middle Ages, compared with 11 percent for the 20th century. Medieval history faculties are no longer lacking students and report a surge in Ph.D. candidates.

The devotion to the medieval period — considered by many scholars to have begun in 476, with the fall of the Roman emperor Romulus Augustus, and ending in 1453, with the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire — is such that, in recent years, juvenile delinquents in Flanders have been allowed to atone for their misdeeds by making the Chaucerian pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, in northern Spain, 1,250 miles, on foot, carrying backpacks and accompanied by a guard.

Read the rest here

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