Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Immigration Fraud

On the subject of the current immigration debate Thomas Sowell has written a prescient piece.

Back in 1986 it was "unrealistic" to round up and deport the 3 million illegal immigrants in the United States then. So they were given amnesty -- honestly labeled, back then -- which is precisely why there are now 12 million illegal immigrants.

As a result of the current amnesty bill -- not honestly labeled, this time -- will it be "unrealistic" to round up and deport 40 million or 50 million illegal immigrants in the future?

... Its advocates' argument is that illegal immigrants will have to meet certain requirements to become citizens. But amnesty is not about how you become a citizen.

The word is from the same root as "amnesia." It means you forget or overlook some crime, as if it never happened. All this elaborate talk about the steps illegal immigrants must go through to become citizens is a distraction from the crime they committed when they crossed the border illegally.

Instead, all attention is focused on what to do to accommodate those who committed this crime. It is a question that would be recognized as an insult to our intelligence on any other issue.

Read the rest here.

My personal opinion is that this is rather akin to announcing that any thieves who have not been caught and jailed may keep what they stole prior to Jan of this year if they are willing to pay a fine. This is a joke, a very bad one. We are either a country based on the rule of law or we are not. I particularly feel badly for the poor fools that played by the rules and have been patiently waiting for for the opportunity to enter the United States legally. What a slap in their face.


  1. Don't we ask God for mercy?
    To forgent our sins, blot them out!

    Seems we can do amnesty (amnesia) for others. In most cases their only "crime" is crossing a border to feed their families and seek a better life.

    My family came to this country legally but it was not hindered by illegal immigrants like the article states:
    "I particularly feel badly for the poor fools that played by the rules and have been patiently waiting for for the opportunity to enter the United States legally. What a slap in their face."

    My face was not slapped. Don't feel bad.

    Are immigranion applicants told "you can't come because there are too many illegals" ?

    The spiritual ideal is clearly a life withou borders. If migrant birds can come and go as they wish, should not the apex of God's creation too?

    Because of our sins we are in this world and restricted to borders. God in his mercy allows us to make laws, let them reflect His will not our self serving, racist and controling desires.

  2. Anonymous,
    You are missing important points. Are you an anarchist? Do you believe there should be no laws? Do you believe the United States should not be a sovereign country with the right to control its own borders?

    Your family's situation not withstanding there are quotas on immigration into the United States. For most immigrants the waiting time is years. Those who essentially jump to the head of the line by crossing illegally into the US are cheating. Of course it's insulting to those who have to wait for many years.

    You also seem oblivious to the dangers of allowing just anyone into the country. Criminals and terrorists are among those who have entered the country illegally. What about the economic costs? Taxpayers are going to have to foot the bill for all of these new arrivals.

    I strong support a reasonable and orderly program of legal immigration. But all would be immigrants should be screened before coming here and there needs to be a limit on how many we take at any given time.

    If we just grant amnesty (yet again) to these 12+ million people what are we going to do when we have 20-30 million more in the US 15 years from now? This is madness.

  3. Are you an anarchist?
    I said:
    "God in his mercy allows us to make laws, let them reflect His will not our self serving, racist and controling desires."
    Don't fear I am not an anarchist.

    Laws can be good or bad. They are a gift of God. Let us not pervert them. In the past they were used to justify racism and all sorts of evils.

    I am Orthodox Christian but I do not share your views. Talk to an undocumented person. Do you know any?

    You said this too.
    "What about the economic costs?"
    We are dealing with human beings.

    What about the cost of the war in IraQ? Are you worried too about the cost and taxes.
    People are dying, hurt, driven from their homes. Many are Orhodox christians who had to leave their country. Many that stayed have to now follow the islamic laws. This war has produced so may evils.

    I worry too when thighs seem out of control but God is in control. We don't have to worry.

    God Bless.

    P.S. I am not for open borders either but things like building a wall between Mexico and US is wrong. They are our neignbors and they should be treated with respect. Oh yes, you mentioned terrorism. What's to stop a terrorist from coming from Canada?
    We can't buid enough wall and arm enough people to make us feel secure? I think only God can make us feel secure.
    Having said that, I too lock my door and set the security alarm before bed.


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