Sunday, May 27, 2007

News from the travelling priest

Fr. John Whiteford (ROCOR) has returned from his trip to Russia to witness the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion. You can read all about his exciting trip and the many things he got to see while there over at his blog. There are some excellent pictures and a few video clips of the event and some of the other sights.

All in all it sounds like his trip was pretty awesome. I also had a good time during my two trips to Russia. However the first trip (1987) was marred when I came down with a really bad case of Stalin's Revenge right about the time I got back to my ship in Italy (I was in the navy). For the better part of several weeks I could not even look at food without without having to make a mad run for the head (navy term for restroom). Since I was already so thin that my shipmates would toss loose change at me in the passageways with the words "go buy some food" this was not a good thing. By time I began to recover I had become so emaciated I looked like an extra from "Schindler's List." Unfortunately inability to put on weight is not a problem I suffer from anymore.

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