Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No Confidence

The ongoing situation in the OCA has taken another turn. Met. +Herman has now suspended the work of the special investigative commission looking into all aspects of the scandal that has shaken the church. This was done without consulting either the Metropolitan Council or the Synod of Bishops. It is the latest in a series of steps +Herman has taken that are to say the least controversial.

Unfortunately most of these measures have clearly had as their objective the suppression of any questions that might prove embarrassing to the central administration of the OCA. The record includes making false and misleading statements, suppressing reports, abusing hierarchical authority in silencing critics or removing them from positions of trust within the church and attempting to bully the Metropolitan Council into subservient compliance with his agenda of non-accountability. This must not continue.

It has become increasingly clear that the vast majority of both clergy and laity who have any knowledge of the scandal are loosing confidence in +Herman's ability or willingness to deal in an upfront manner with the issue of accountability. This is creating a crisis in confidence in the leadership of the OCA across the board. There is at least once diocese that is in something very close to open revolt with many parishes withholding money from the central administration.

I believe that the time has come to make a statement that the stonewalling needs to come to an end. The Metropolitan Council should demand that +Herman rescind his decree suppressing the Special Commission. If he refuses the council should pass a resolution of no confidence in the Metropolitan's conduct of his office. Obviously such a measure would be non-binding. But it would send a powerful if symbolic signal to +Herman that he has pushed the envelope to its limits. The Synod of Bishops should also not permit this latest act to pass without a response.

The situation is fast reaching a point where +Herman's suitability to remain in office is coming into question. Any further obstructionism may necessitate a discussion of that very serious issue.


  1. Forgive me, I don't know much about Orthodoxy. Can metropolitans be deposed?

  2. Yes. Any bishop is subject to the authority of the Synod of Bishops.

  3. I've been interested in your take on the latest developments in the OCA. I'm sorry to see it coming to this.

    As an Anglican considering an OCA church, I will say that, regrettable as it is, this scandal is a piker compared to those the Episcopal Church generates with discouraging regularity.

  4. Hi Phil,
    Good to hear from you again. I was wondering how you were doing. Yea the mess in the OCA doesn't touch on anything really important like doctrine or anyone playing with kids. It's just a good old fashioned scandal about money.

    It's also petty much confined to a handful of players in the central administration. We will sort it out in God's good time. There is nothing going on that is causing me to loose sleep or question my faith etc. Its just the devil at work trying (and succeeding with a few people) to tempt some to sin.


  5. Here is a list of the fax and email addresses of the OCA Holy Synod.

    Let your respective bishop know that YOU have NO CONFIDENCE in Metropolitan Herman. Encourage them to call a special session of the Holy Synod to retire him and name a locum tenens who will lead us until the next All-American Council can elect a new Metropolitan.

    They need to know that we are as angry with Herman as they are. No more divide and conquer tactics by Herman. The Holy Synod must united and root out from their midst the cause of our current sadness.

    A NO CONFIDENCE vote for Herman

    Holy Synod Fax Numbers or email address

    516-922-0954 Metropolitan Herman in Syosset
    570-937-4939 Metropolitan Herman in So. Caanan
    724-776-5555 Archbishop Kyrill
    517-522-5907 Archbishop Nathaniel
    312-202-0427 Archbishop Job
    613-925-1521 Archbishop Seraphim
    907-279-9748 Bishop Nikolai Bishop Nikon
    570-937-9099 Bishop Tikhon Bishop Benjamin

  6. Although I am permitting the above post to remain; I am not endorsing (at this point) the removal Met. +Herman as primate. However that situation may change if the current policy of obstruction and obfuscation does not end.

    That said, I fault those who feel that things have already gone far enough and that it's time for a change in leadership.


  7. And Archbishop Dmitri's fax number is


  8. Why do you fault them?


  9. Arrrggg that was poorly written. Lets try its again.

    Although I am permitting the above post to remain; I am not endorsing (at this point) the removal of Met. +Herman as primate. However that situation may change if the current policy of obstruction and obfuscation does not end.

    That said, I can not fault those who feel that things have already gone far enough and that it's time for a change in leadership.


  10. Dear guys,

    I attend St. Paul the Apostle Orthodox Church (OCA) in Las Vegas. Tonight we held our monthly Parish Concil meeting and I asked Father Eric Tosi, the Parish Rector and the OCA's Evangelism Director for North America about some of these things in confidence. He is privy to some good information and he urged us to continue to have confidence in the Metropolitan as what news we are receiving is one-sided and incomplete and the motives for making accusations against him should also be taken into account. Remember, this is a crisis and in crises leaders entrusted to move the entity involved(in this case the OCA Church) out of crises will inevitably not do everything to everyone's liking.
    I have taken Father Eric's advice in the past regarding this issue and I will do so now. These are matters in which we must continue to pray for our Church; it will all work itself out, of that I am certain.

  11. But in this case isn't the church only a symbolic matter for the potential of the argument?


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