Sunday, June 17, 2007

A History of Arrogance

From the Midest Conservative Journal...

"Why has the controversy over Gene Robinson created the firestorm that it has? Why was it the factor that caused many of us to leave parishes in which we had spent most if not all our lives? After all, many of us rationalized our way through episcopal atheists like John Shelby Spong, besides whom Robbie is a model of Christian orthodoxy.

For me, it was not just the fact that the Episcopal Church had voted in convention that it would not let the Bible get in its way anymore. It was the decision's titanic arrogance. In 2003, ECUSA created a fact on the ground and destroyed, in one stroke, 2,000 years of Christian and Anglican teaching and every measure every GenCon had ever passed on the subject without caring about or being particularly interested in what the rest of the Anglican world thought about it."

Read the rest here

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