Thursday, June 28, 2007

Motu Proprio is likely imminent

Roman Catholic traditionalists and conservatives can start icing that bottle of champagne now. It appears that the publication of the long awaited Motu Proprio making available the Tridentine Mass is in fact imminent. I have generally been cautious about any discussion of dates while maintaining that the document was coming. However I am going to shed some of that caution and say that it is likely to be published soon. Very soon.

Multiple sources have indicated that copies of the MP were actually given to a select number of bishops today in Rome. The document is supposedly about three pages in length with a four page cover letter from +Benedict XVI to the world's bishops. According to two sources cited at Rorate Caeli the likely publication date is July 7th. However others are opining that if copies have been distributed to some bishops already, the formal release may come much sooner. Whatever the date we are clearly no longer talking about months or years. I think that the phrase "any day now" is probably apt.

And not a moment too soon when one sees some of the bilge still emanating from various quarters.

As a side note The Curt Jester has posted a humorous list of suggestions for the mainstream media when covering this impending story.

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