Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Archbishop +Job writes to the clergy of the Diocese of the Midwest on the current situation in the OCA.
... In the short time since Pascha, serious and tragic mistakes have been made, the suspension of the Special Commission being, in my judgment, one of the worst. My friends, we have a crisis of leadership. I had stated that I stood in support of the Metropolitan in this crisis. I should have clarified this and should have stated that I support the positive decisions that he has made – and there certainly have been some. But there have been far more poor decisions, made unilaterally, without consultation and communication, which, as we see have had devastating results. At the Diocesan Council meeting I described myself as being “ at the end of my rope.” Now I find myself in a worse state of mind. I ponder on such things as “Desperate situations require desperate measures.” I am persuaded that I am not alone, because I have heard that there are those who were against the Palatine Resolution who have now changed their positions. Fathers and Brothers, souls are at stake! We cannot forget that.

A few days ago, I read a comment by someone on the ocanews.org website. It concluded with, “God, save us from our bishops!” and I confess that I cried. Never would I have imagined that such a statement could be made. Now it appears that it is held by many. God help us!

Read the rest here.

Like so many I have been struggling with this sad scandal. It has been at the least a terrible distraction to the faithful and at most it has damaged people's confidence in the Church and caused serious spiritual harm. In the Synod of Bishops there have not been many heroes. I believe Archbishop +Job to be one of them. It is difficult to put in words the sense of deep frustration and disappointment I feel with regards the conduct of the Holy Synod and of those generally in positions of responsibility in the Church. What is worse is that at times I catch that sense of frustration and disappointment turning to anger. This is the kind of Epistle that should have been penned by every bishop in the Church. Where are our bishops?

Hat tip to OCA News

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