Monday, July 09, 2007

Orthodox Reaction to the Motu Proprio

Generally reaction to the MP on our side of the fence has thus far been rather muted. This is not terribly surprising since it mainly concerns another religious confession and one that Orthodoxy seems to have some conflicted feelings about. That said I hope to keep this as a running thread with updates over the course of the next few days as I find comments from Orthodox bloggers or persons of interest. We can start the ball rolling with an essay by Owen the Ochlophobist. Normally I would post some snippets to wet the appetitive but Owen's style of writing is not conducive to that. SO I will just encourage the reader to take a look at SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM: ochlophobic thoughts.

On a side note I hope to post a few thoughts of my own on this over the next day or two. However, for those interested in an earlier essay on my take vis a vis the Mass controversy I would refer you to The Tridentine Mass: Why do the Orthodox care?

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