Thursday, June 26, 2008

By a vote of 5-4: Yes you can own a gun but...

All in all this was a reasoned and well balanced decision that says…
1. There is a right to own and posses firearms however…
2. That right is not unrestricted and reasonable regulations for the public safety may be applied.

Could I quibble with some of the details? Yes. But broadly speaking this is a good decision that strikes a sensible balance between the right of individuals to the means for self protection and the right of the public to be safe from irresponsible or lawless individuals. As is often the case there is no silver bullet. No decision was going to be perfect. The SCOTUS has been dodging this issue for decades. I am pleased they finally tackled it and relieved at a moderate decision that is unlikely to please the hard liners on either side of the gun debate.

For a detailed report go here.
For the text (157 pages!) of the decision go here.

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