Thursday, June 05, 2008

TAC nearing union with Rome?

...Meanwhile, discussions at the Vatican on devising a possible structure for the Traditional Anglican Communion to come into communion with Rome are understood to be nearing completion.

The communion is a breakaway group of 400,000 Anglicans opposed to women’s ordination.

However, during his May 5 meeting with Pope Benedict XVI, Williams asked that any potential announcement be delayed until after the Lambeth Conference.

Veteran observers of the Anglicans’ continuing identity crisis are not optimistic that it can be resolved, given the wide gulf that exists between liberal-minded Anglican hierarchies in Western countries and more orthodox bishops in the developing world.

Viscount Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, author of Anglican Orders: Null and Void?, believes that in the absence of a magisterium and under the less-than-decisive leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury, there is “no chance whatsoever that the Lambeth Conference will settle the question of what — if anything — the Anglican Communion believes.”

“The latest Lambeth Conference will merely continue to fail to address the question of core doctrine, just as all of its predecessors have done,” said Viscount Monckton. “To Anglicans, the only doctrine is the doctrine that there is no doctrine.”

Hat tip to Clerical Whispers via T-19.

1 comment:


    When people make comments regarding Anglicanism,I do wish they knew what they were talking about! Monckton of Benchley shows a lack of knowledge on the subject of Anglicanism and Authority.
    We have the Canon of Vincent of Lerins," To seek the Authority of the General Councils" and of the Ancient (Fathers). This is where such have been held. Their decisions rank first as authorised and final interpreters of Scriptures.

    He goes on, "if new questions arise which no Council has dealt, then the enquirer is to collect the opinions of the (ancient) fathers who remained in the Communion of the Church. Masters of repute , not to individuals however great a Christian, but to teaching on which they all agree."
    Anglicanism believes in seven ecumenical councils according to Convocation let us act on our beliefs.


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