From time to time I note some good posts on other web sites which I think are deserving of attention and a "bump." I thought I would pass along a few that I think are worth taking a look at.
Communion is like sex. Really. Read this amusing but very pointed discussion of the current mess in the Anglican Communion by Perry Robinson over at Energetic Procession As a side note check out the cartoon in the post that immediately followed the one linked. It's so funny in part because it's also so true.
Fr. Joseph Huneycutt has an interesting article up about Joel Osteen and the peculiar (and heretical) brand of so called prosperity theology and positive thinking which they push. I will refrain from commenting on the matter since anything I might write has probably already been posted over at Orthodixie.
The latest installments in "As the Orthodox World Turns" can be found over at Ben Johnson's Western Orthodoxy where we first find the announcement that the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese is going to be taking over the parishes of the Jerusalem Patriarchate (there are only a handful in N. America) in a deal worked out between the JP and the EP. OK... No big deal I am thinking. Just a little rearangement of the administrative furniture, right? Silly moi. The second part comes only a short while later and this is where the other shoe drops. Apparently the parishes in question are break offs from the Antiochian Archdiocese and were never canonicaly released. Met. Philip is more than slightly offended by the GOA's establishment of a Greek supervised Vicarate for Arab Orthodox Christians over whom they appear to have no canonical authority. Anyways you can read the whole sordid business at the links above. I will limit my own editorializing to an observation that where the subject is the extra-canonical jurisdictional infighting here in N. America it is my considered opinion, with all due respect to his office, that the Ecumenical Patriarchate's record over the last few decades suggests that he has been more a part of the problem than the solution.
Finally I recommend Fr. Stephen's excellent essay on an Orthodox approach to reading Scripture which can be found over at his blog Glory to God for All Things. In fairness I have to say that if I were going to give a bump on my own blog everytime I read something Fr. Stephen wrote that I was really impressed with, Ad Orientem would be reduced to a bill board for Fr. Stephen's blog. This is one of the few blogs I make a point of checking more or less daily.
Prayers for the Dead
9 hours ago
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