Saturday, March 07, 2009

Greetings from the capitol of the left coast

A brief update as the first week of Lent winds down. Its political climate notwithstanding San Francisco really is a very beautiful city. I will be here for the next two days on the first leg of what I expect to be roughly three weeks of traveling. Last week was notable for a couple of things. First I was not as crushed by the beginning of the fast as I have been in the past. Am I getting used to this? That's almost a scary thought in itself.

Speaking of scary, the economy is well ... very scary right now. I really wanted to blog on that subject last week but I resisted the temptation. I expect to have some thoughts on this in the next couple of days when I have the opportunity to get online for more than a few minutes. Actually there has been a lot going on it seems. I will be digging out the in box and trying to get back to people as quickly as I can. Finally I am turning the comments back on.

P.S. Has T-19 changed their web address? I know they were changing servers. But their page has been down all day.

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