Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prayer Request...

The people of the Philippine Islands have been struck with a terrible and disastrous flood. Many people have been killed or are missing and an unknown, but certainly large, number are homeless. I am informed via Rorate Caeli that an occasional correspondent and sometimes commentor on this blog Mr. Carlos Antonio Palad has been affected by this calamity. I ask that in your kindness you please lift up Mr. Palad, his family and all of those afflicted by nature's wrath in your prayers.


  1. Thank you for the prayer request. I and my family are safe and have found a place to stay in for the meantime. I live in a modest middle-class enclave that is historically beyond the reach of floods and so yesterday's catastrophe was a shock (and an equalizer) for me. Most of my belongings were damaged or destroyed by the floods but I'm thankful to be alive and well.

    Do say a prayer for the thousands of the poorest people in Manila, many of whom lost everything that they had in that metropolis' worst flooding in decades.


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