Sunday, September 06, 2009

Russia's Patriarch Increasingly Becoming Major Force In Politics

When Patriarch Kirill visited Russia's largest shipyard in late August, he was greeted with full military honors.

As a brass band played at the Northern Shipyard in Severodvisnk, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church strolled past a row of sailors in dress uniform, boarded a nuclear submarine, and presented the crew with an icon of the Mother of God.

He later said Russia's defense capabilities need to be bolstered by Orthodox Christian values.

"You should not be ashamed of going to church and teaching the Orthodox faith to your children," the patriarch told the Severodvinsk workers. "Then we shall have something to defend with our missiles."
Read the rest here.


  1. I do not believe that Patriarch Kirill is getting involved in politics to an excessive degree.

    We need to keep in mind that the Russian Orthodox Church was stifled during more than 70 years of godless communist rule in Russia (1917-1991).

    I believe that Patriarch Kirill is compensating for the progress that was lost in the Russian Orthodox Church during those 70 years.

  2. (Best Show)Watch9/09/2009 11:24 PM


    Two things

    1) I’d like your permission to (re)print your article on Mad Men for our website

    2) I was hoping we could use your ‘scribing’ talent for our website.

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    Mad Men is one of our featured shows. We’re hoping to round up a few people who can occasionally contribute perspective (via an article/blog) on the shows – maybe a recent episode, future direction, plot shortcomings etc.

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  3. Best Show,
    Please drop me a line. My email is jec1ny at yahoo


  4. He's got a point you know. I agree also with George.


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