Monday, March 29, 2010

Can Obama avert a fiscal catastrophe?

Last summer President Obama told me that once health reform became law, he could pivot to the "broader structural changes" needed to bring the federal deficit under control.

Without health reform, he said during a July telephone interview, there would be no hope for fiscal reform. With it, he would be in a position to "start laying out a broader picture about how we are going to handle entitlements in a serious way."

Well, it's been six days since he signed the bill, and he still hasn't saved Social Security.

Just kidding. We can give him another day or two.

But the long-term threat is no joke, as Obama has acknowledged many times. If Obama does not pivot, the country will be in serious trouble.
Read the rest here.

Color me skeptical, very very skeptical.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad none of this information came out BEFORE the health care bill passed.

    Oh, wait, a lot of it did - on that demon network FOX. Then it was just Republican rhetoric, but now, since the Washington Post has said it, it must be true!


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