Saturday, March 27, 2010

What do you see?

US Money supply 1998-2009
(click for full size)

What does this bring to mind?

When I look at this chart I feel myself sucked into a time warp. Suddenly it's 1972. Everyone is throwing a big party. The good times are rolling. But on the bridge I see Leslie Nielson looking through his binoculars at a massive wall of liquidity steam rolling towards him and his ship...


  1. Egad, was Ernie Borgnine ever that young?

  2. This is truly sobering. It would appear to originate with the first stimulus package (Bush). But the reckless policies that have been pursued by his successor have turned a swell into the tidal wave.

  3. It makes me think of MAD magazine, which called it ............ "The Poop-side Down Adventure!"


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