Thursday, April 22, 2010

Auburn NY: More abuse of Eminent Domain

Despite the criticism of the Supreme Court’s eminent domain ruling in Kelo, the city of Auburn, New York appears undeterred and is threatening to invoke eminent domain to seize private property for a private company. The Kelo opinion was wrongly decided in allowing a Connecticut town to seize homes to give the land to a private company. Putting that flawed legal logic aside, I am astonished that elected officials continue to abuse eminent domain powers in this way and shows the need for state laws barring the practice. Mayor Mike Quill insists that the interests of the majority (and one powerful developer) must trump the property rights of a few citizens.

Ironically, after selling out their fellow citizens, the people of New London, Connecticut never did reap the rewards that they sought. The city is threatening citizens that if they do not reach an agreement with a developer, the city will come in and take the land and give it to the developer.
Read the rest here.

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