Tuesday, April 06, 2010

+Benedict XVI names conservative Archbishop as likely successor to LA's Mahony

Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday named a Texas bishop to take over the archdiocese of Los Angeles after Cardinal Roger M. Mahony's expected retirement next year.

The pontiff appointed Jose Gomez as co-adjutor archbishop of Los Angeles, an assisting position that essentially puts him first in line to succeed Mahony, who reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75 for bishops in February.

Gomez is archbishop of San Antonio, a post he took up five years ago, during the last few months of John Paul II's papacy. Gomez, 58, is also a member of Opus Dei, the controversial group favored by John Paul II for its conservative teachings.
Read the rest here.

The Catholic blogs are also running with the story. The Archdiocese of LA has a very bad reputation among conservative Catholics and it is almost impossible to imagine any appointment that would not be an improvement over Card. Mahony. There are a number of reports circulating that when told of his pending promotion (the see typically comes with a red hat) +Gomez responded "What have I done to offend the Holy Father?"


  1. The named successor is a member of Opus Dei.

  2. Pray thatthe LA church isn't too far gone for +Gomez to reform it.


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