Tuesday, May 18, 2010

+Bartholomew to visit Russia

ROME, MAY 18, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Moving forward in a sometimes troubled history, the Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople will visit his counterpart in Moscow, arriving Saturday and staying through the end of the month.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia invited Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople to make the visit. Bartholomew I will be accompanied by an entourage including a few ranking Orthodox prelates and several laypeople.

The program includes Moscow, the Laura of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius, the Monastery of the Transfiguration on Valaam, and St. Petersburg.

The two patriarchs will celebrate Divine Liturgy together Sunday, and other activities on the program include marking Kirill's name day on May 24, the opening ceremony of the Days of Slavonic Literature and Culture, a concert to be performed at the State Kremlin Palace and a reception given on behalf of the government of Russia.

The two patriarchs will join to celebrate the Divine Liturgy the next Sunday as well, Orthodox Sunday of All Saints, in St. Petersburg.

Oh to be a fly on the wall...


  1. Oh to be a fly on the wall...

    You and me both, brother. Is it just me, or is it significant that the world's two leading Patriarchs will be conferring "until the end of the month" at the same time that the first Episcopal Assembly is going on in New York? Perhaps they intend to present a common response (i.e. positive and supportive) to what they expect to come out of the EA.

    Probably too good to be true, but here's hoping ...

  2. Don't hold you breath. That would be too - what's the word I'm looking for? Ah yes - Christian...


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