Thursday, June 03, 2010

Baseball Commissioner will not reverse blown call

NEW YORK - Bud Selig won’t reverse an umpire’s admitted blown call that cost Armando Galarraga a perfect game.

Selig says Major League Baseball will look at expanded replay and umpiring, but not the botched call Wednesday night.

Umpire Jim Joyce says he made a mistake on what would’ve been the final out in Detroit, where the Tigers beat Cleveland 3-0. The umpire personally apologized to Galarraga.
Read the rest here.

This had to be a really tough call. But I think it was the right one. Official stats will not record his perfect game. But that doesn't mean everyone doesn't know what happened. On a side note; both Galarraga and Joyce have been a class act through this whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. I think it was the right call by Selig for two reasons. If you start unilaterally rewriting the endings to games, soon you will be swamped with appeals of all kinds. The Commissioners office would become the de facto review booth.

    Secondly, baseball is not always fair. Umps make mistakes; managers make mistakes; players make mistakes. It is just part of the game. This entitlement syndrome that every call has to be completely 100% right all the time drives me crazy. Replay has been proven to make referees sloppy. Bad calls are just part of the game.

    Besides, that guy is going to make a fortune in baseball autographs now because he's the guy that got robbed of a perfect game. Can you name any of the other players without looking who have pitched a no hitter or perfect game in the last 10 years?


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