Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Russian Orthodox Church rejects Met. + Filaret's resignation

The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has rejected a formal resignation letter by Metropolitan Filaret, head of the Church in Belarus, and blessed him to continue his service.

The Church's rules require all eparchs to file a resignation letter when they turn 75, Alexy Shynkevich, spokesman for the Church's Belarusian Exarchate, told BelaPAN on Monday.

The Synod decides whether the eparch should resign or continue his service, with the decision to be approved by the patriarch, Mr. Shynkevich said, noting that “the Synod never specifies how long the service of the eparch who has reached 75 years will last.”

Thus Metropolitan Filaret will continue as head of the Church's Minsk Eparchy and Belarusian Exarchate, Mr. Shynkevich said.
Read the rest here.

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