Saturday, July 10, 2010

Church of England rejects compromise on women bishops

Plans put forward by Dr Rowan Williams urging a compromise over the issue were rejected last night by members of the General Synod, including some of his most senior bishops.

The last-ditch proposal was designed to prevent an exodus of traditionalist priests, who are now likely to defect to the Roman Catholic Church.

It represented a significant gamble by Dr Williams, who was heavily criticised by liberals last week after Dr Jeffrey John, the homosexual cleric, was blocked from becoming Bishop of Southwark. Dr John's nomination to the post was revealed by The Sunday Telegraph last week.

The failure by the archbishop to gain sufficient support for his plan is likely to be viewed as a further dent to his authority.

Groups within the church have been campaigning for female clerics to be treated equally and to be allowed to become bishops, without any concessions that would undermine their ministry.

But their proposals have been opposed by traditionalists and evangelicals who do not believe making women bishops is in accordance with biblical teaching.
Read the rest here.
Hat tip: Dr. Tighe


  1. So what do you make of this, as an Orthodox Christian? I assume you disapprove of women bishops; but on the other hand, once one has accepted women priests, logic would demand women bishops as well. From a traditionalist perspective, a refusal of the liberals to compromise can be seen as a good thing, in that it discourages traditionalists from pursuing compromise, and instead pushes them toward separation, which surely is a better path anyway?

  2. I agree with Zarnacy, for as a noted historical figure once wrote, and it certainly applies here, "the worse, the better" (V. I. Lenin, ca. 1905).


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