Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A report of Orthodox - Catholic concelebration and intercommunion

Via Carlos Antonio Palad at Rorate Caeli

Romanian "visionary" Vassula Ryden, a long time promoter of communio in sacris between Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians, is now reporting a Divine Liturgy concelebrated by a Romanian Orthodox priest and a Roman Catholic priest. Communion was knowingly given to Catholics. It is claimed that this has occurred with the blessing of Metropolitan Nicolae Corneanu, who famously took communion from Uniate clergy in 2008.

See Rorate for the details.

A clarification: Carlos has posted the following...
Just to clarify: the report by Vassula (who is Greek, born in Egypt) claims that Met. Nicolae supported her Mission trip. However, there is no mention on whether he also blessed the concelebration.


  1. What would God think!. Was this what it was like before 1054?.

  2. Just to clarify: the report by Vassula (who is Greek, born in Egypt) claims that Met. Nicolae supported her Mission trip. However, there is no mention on whether he also blessed the concelebration.

  3. "Was this what it was like before 1054?. "

    No. In 1054 it was still possible to discern some tenuous connection between Roman Catholicism, its bishops priests and faithful, and Holy Orthodoxy. That was a thousand years ago.

    St Mark of Ephesus, pray for us to God.

  4. If Met. Nicolae actually blessed this, I hope the Holy Synod will not just give him a slap on the wrist this time.

  5. From what I've seen of Vassula Ryden's writing, her teaching has far more in common with New Age ideas than with either Orthodoxy or Roman Catholicism.

  6. Read the excellent critical site of
    Maria Laura Pio : she is an ex adept
    of vassula . She was destroyed by
    the messages .Vassula is considarate as an heretic by the Greek orthodox church,and she was excomunate by the
    council of the heresies in 2001.
    You will read all the reports of
    what say the Vatican and the ortho
    dox around the world.
    There is an excellent report of
    Father François Dermine ( theologian
    of the university of Turin italy)
    he shows how Vassula changes the
    messages whith the permission of

    What are the sanctions for Daniel
    Crecan , it will be interessant to
    know ,and please inform vassula about that and publish the report
    in all the religious authorithies
    in the world.

    I pray for truth!!

    the site is



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