Saturday, September 11, 2010

Russia prepares measures against dangerous "sects"


On 18 August, the Department of Culture and Art of the city of Niagana, Khanti-Mansiisk autonomous region, sent a letter from the first deputy director of the Department of Labor and Social Security of the population of KhMAO, I. Uvarov, to directors of institutions that they were required to obey, the "SOVA" information and analysis center reports.

The letter says that on the territory of the Russian federation recently "destructive totalitarian sects and groups, whose activity causes irreparable harm to society and the individual," have become widespread. In connection with this, the Department of Labor and Social Security had prepared materials "for combating totalitarian sects when members of such sects attend social and cultural institutions."

In particular, it is proposed:

--to create checkpoints in municipal social and cultural institutions (for example, movie theatres and recreational centers);

--to create volunteer "law-enforcement" militia in educational institutions;

--to exercise control for refusal to provide facilities to representatives of "totalitarian sects" for conducting various events.

In addition, it is planned to conduct campaigns in news media and explanatory work in various institutions and to register in medical institutions cases of refusal of medical treatment "on the basis of sectarian motivation" and the like.

Two lists were attached to the letter: a list of organizations recognized as extremist in RF and a list "of the most well known destructive totalitarian sects and groups that have a substantial number of indicators of such, active in the Russian federation." The latter list contains 265 organizations, including #56 "Herbalife," #61.16 "Word of Life," #210 "Scepter," and #249 "Amway."

It should be noted that the "Word of Life" church was registered by the Ministry of Justice of RF and is regularly audited. (tr. by PDS, posted 9 September 2010)

Editor's note: The list of "destructive" sects may be accessed at the Prozrenie site: "Perechen' naibolee izvestnykh destruktivnykh totalitarnykh sekt i grupp"
The following is a selected list of religious organizations included: Seventh-day Adventists-Reformists; Great White Brotherhood; Orthodox Church of the "Sovereign" [derzhavnaia] Mother of God; Summit Lighthouse; Sects (neopentecostals), including members of the Russian Associated Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (ROSKhVE) and the Russian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith Pentecostals (RSKhVEP) and independent organizations; "Messianic Jews" and a number of groups of the "Jews for Jesus" movement; New Life; God's Embassy; Church of the Full Gospel; EXODUS center; Catacomb Church of True Orthodox Christians (old and new rites); International Society for Krishna Consciousness; Mormons; Scientology Church and other organizations of Hubbardists; Jehovah's Witnesses; Watchtower Society; Christian Science; Local Church of Witness Lee.

Herbalife? Amway?


  1. Yes! Herbalife! Amway! Evil! Diabolical! These 2 must be stopped at all cost!

    Madness. The world is definitely going mad.

    I think I will find a nice cave in the mountains somewhere and just forget about everything.

  2. Actually, Amway does have a sort of quasi-evangelical aspect about it. My brother used to work for them and they pushed themselves as a Christian business and taught some very Joel Osteen or "health and wealth" doctrines aggressively.


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