Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Archbishop Dolan blasts anti-Catholicism of New York Times

Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York has again criticized The New York Times for “the common, casual way [it] offends Catholic sensitivity, something they would never think of doing — rightly so — to the Jewish, Black, Islamic, or gay communities.”

In an October 19 blog post, the archbishop criticized the newspaper for an “insulting photograph” of a nun and for a

"...glowingly reviewed not-to-be missed “art” exhibit comes to us from Harvard, and is a display of posters from ACT UP. Remember them? They invaded of St. Patrick’s Cathedral to disrupt prayer, trampled on the Holy Eucharist, insulted Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger when he was here for a conference, and yelled four letter words while exposing themselves to families and children leaving Mass at the Cathedral. The man they most detested was Cardinal John O’Connor, who, by the way, spent many evenings caring quietly for AIDS patients, and, when everyone else ran from them, opened units for them at the Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center and St. Clare’s Hospital. Too bad for him. One of the posters in this “must see” exhibit is of Cardinal O’Connor, in the form of a condom, referred to as a “scumbag,” the “art” there in full view in the photograph above the gushing review in our city’s daily"

See also Archbishop Dolan's blog.

Do I think the NY Times is anti-Catholic? Is the Pope... oh never mind.

1 comment:

  1. They can't be anti-Catholic! I mean, they even have self-hating Catholic who never go to Church on their staff.


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