Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From the mailbag: Guest Posts?

Never really thought about it, though until today was never really asked. After considering the idea, I am open to the possibility of an occasional guest post with a few caveats.
  • Any proposed guest post should be submitted to me by email and should be on a topic likely to appear on this blog. (That's a rather wide field but there are limits).
  • It should be in conformity with the guidelines for comments I have linked in the sidebar.
  • It needs to be signed in some way. A pen name or Blogger ID is OK. "Anonymous" is not. But your real name should be in the email you send to me.
  • Contrary points of view are OK if you are responding to something previously posted that's a bit too long for the com box.
  • Please don't be offended if you submit something and I say "no." If I decline to post something on the blog I will let you know why.
With the above in mind please understand I am not encouraging everyone to start sending in guest posts. This is my blog and I plan to keep it that way. Guest posts would be an exception not the rule. Having said that, there are some people I have corresponded with or who are regular commentators who would get serious consideration if they had something they thought was worth posting.


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