Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Roman Catholic Old Kalendarist on Sede Vecantism, Pius XII and neo-Trads

Is there anyone more full of shit than a Sedevacantist? See this site for a good laugh. According to them Pius XII was the last ''true'' Pope and they celebrate the Tridentine Rite, and that if you do not adopt the sedevacantist position (like so many in the SSPX, with whom I desire no communion - ever) you don't really care much for Tradition. The dead give away of their manifest heresy is this line (no doubt inspired by Mediator Dei): ''What we believe, so we pray.'' Their priests even swear Pius X's Oath against Modernity!

Boob. As far as ''true'' Popes go Pius XII was the absolute worst in the history of the Papacy (even worse than John XII, who funded his far too numerous mistresses at the Lateran by the sale of episcopal consecrations). A thousand anathemas upon that awful, heretical, man. And now the ''Tridentine Rite''...To my knowledge the so-called ''Tridentine Rite'' has not been celebrated since 1604 when Clement VIII introduced his new reformed Missal (and I think that the ''ethos'' of the Tridentine Rite died a death when Gregory XIII imposed the Gregorian Kalendar on the Universal Church in 1582). No doubt these ignorant extremists celebrate the '62 Rite merrily, woefully ignorant (or wilfully so) of the fact that the '62 Rite is as far removed from any holistic and authentic hermeneutic of Tradition as is the rest of their deplorable position. But it was before the Council so it's all ok; it's Vatican II which is the enemy of Tradition, not Pius XII! If the See of Peter is vacant then the Church of Christ is builded upon sand. But then some have even gone so far as to elect their own popes. Idiots.
Read the rest here.

See the original for links.
I posted n this subject a few years back.


  1. Thanks for the link John. As ever you link to me when I least suspect it!

    Thank you also for your kind comment about my great uncle Teddy.


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