Tuesday, October 05, 2010

San Francisco mulls 'Happy Meal' ban

The latest from the land of fruits, nuts and berries...
SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco has a long history of bold public health and environmental stances, going after everything from plastic bags in grocery stores to cigarettes to sugary drinks.

A proposed city ordinance would ban McDonald's from putting toys in Happy Meals unless it adds fruit and vegetable portions and limits calories. The proposal would apply to all restaurants, but the focus has been on McDonald's and its iconic Happy Meals.

Supervisor Eric Mar said he proposed the law to protect the health of his constituents, but McDonald's has waged an aggressive fight to block the measure. A battery of McDonald's Corp. executives showed up at city hall to argue that the legislation is a heavy-handed effort that threatens the company's decades-old business model and the free choice of its customers.

The proposed Happy Meal law is just the latest in a string of San Francisco ordinances aimed at regulating public health. The city recently expanded a law banning tobacco sales in pharmacies to include grocery stores and big-box stores that also have pharmacies.
Read the rest here.

Once in a while (but not often) someone from SF will publicly bristle at the widespread perception that their city is run by a bunch of left-wing statist loons who are only a half step removed from being out right communists. Really.


  1. Yes, as it's so American to feed on antibiotic laden, bgh injected, factory farmed beef and grease targeted at children that don't know any bettter. My goodness, those crazies in sf are going to start looking like Europeans soon enough. And heaven knows we can't be thinking along those lines....

  2. European standards? Does that mean I can start eating all the food that's banned in America? That would be grand!


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