Thursday, November 18, 2010

Israel suspected in highly sophisticated cyber attack on Iran's nuclear weapons program

Experts dissecting the computer worm suspected of being aimed at Iran’s nuclear program have determined that it was precisely calibrated in a way that could send nuclear centrifuges wildly out of control.

Their conclusion, while not definitive, begins to clear some of the fog around the Stuxnet worm, a malicious program detected earlier this year on computers, primarily in Iran but also India, Indonesia and other countries.

The paternity of the worm is still in dispute, but in recent weeks officials from Israel have broken into wide smiles when asked whether Israel was behind the attack, or knew who was. American officials have suggested it originated abroad.

The new forensic work narrows the range of targets and deciphers the worm’s plan of attack. Computer analysts say Stuxnet does its damage by making quick changes in the rotational speed of motors, shifting them rapidly up and down.

Changing the speed “sabotages the normal operation of the industrial control process,” Eric Chien, a researcher at the computer security company Symantec, wrote in a blog post.

Those fluctuations, nuclear analysts said in response to the report, are a recipe for disaster among the thousands of centrifuges spinning in Iran to enrich uranium, which can fuel reactors or bombs. Rapid changes can cause them to blow apart. Reports issued by international inspectors reveal that Iran has experienced many problems keeping its centrifuges running, with hundreds removed from active service since summer 2009.

“We don’t see direct confirmation” that the attack was meant to slow Iran’s nuclear work, David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, a private group in Washington that tracks nuclear proliferation, said in an interview Thursday. “But it sure is a plausible interpretation of the available facts.”

Intelligence officials have said they believe that a series of covert programs are responsible for at least some of that decline. So when Iran reported earlier this year that it was battling the Stuxnet worm, many experts immediately suspected that it was a state-sponsored cyberattack.
Read the rest here.

I have often been a sharp critic of Israeli policies. This however strikes me as a very clever and non-violent method of dealing with a direct threat to their national security. Let's be frank here. Iran is trying build atomic bombs and missiles that can deliver them to Israel. Cyber sabotage is a brilliant way to deal with the problem, at least in the short term. And it let's Iran know that Israel is not going to just wait for the mushroom cloud to rise over Tel Aviv.


  1. Maybe the Iranians don't want to see a mushroom cloud over Tehran.

    And let's not hear the usual about how "civilized", ( i.e; "white"), Israelis are who couldn't possibly think of doing that.

  2. Unfortunately your comment is not supported by the repeated declarations on the part of Iran's president that Israel must be wiped off the map. As for Israel's policies; I have been a frequent and sharp critic. But for all of their shortcomings I haven't heard them call for genocide or seen them attempt to carry it out.

  3. Igumen Gregory11/19/2010 4:43 AM

    Nor is Israel sending out swat teams to murder innocent Christians during the course of the Divine Liturgy. Whatever one might say about Israel the Muslim Arabs (the extremists) are a far greater affront to civilization.

  4. Except that the Iranians aren't Arabs. The irony of Anonymous' ignorant race-baiting comment is that the Jews are Semites like the Arabs whereas the Persians are Indo-Europeans--you know, "whites."


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