Thursday, November 04, 2010

Metropolitan Philip sacks priest for wearing cassock

On the day the Archdiocesan website officially published the Metropolitan Philip's October 22nd "Implementation" Order (read those 18 directives here or here), the Metropolitan dismissed Fr. David Moretti of Terre Haute IN from his parish, and the Archdiocese, ostensibly for disobedience, that is, wearing a traditional cassock rather than a clergy suit while in public. The letter announcing the Metropolitan's decision was short and direct:

"To the Priest David Moretti:
It is with sadness of heart that I write to you today. Because of your disobedience in following the directives I have set forth for liturgical dress and practice as well as public comments you have made disparaging me personally, I am releasing you from your duties as pastor of St. George Church and as a priest of the Antiochian Archdiocese effective December 1, 2010. Please plan to be out of the parish by that date.
In Christ,
+Metropolitan PHILIP"
Read the rest here.



  1. This is a power play by not-quite-Arab, not-really-American holdouts who want their bingo/poker nights, belly dancing, and kibbeh during the fasts. They buy their way from +Philip and he takes care of them. It is not really an Arab vs. convert issue. These people are products of a particular time and place and the Church, both in the US and in Antioch, is changing under their feet.

  2. I think an "X X X-O O O-Love ya bunches" would have been a nice touch before the salutation.

  3. In the political world we know +Philip’s latest acts to be that of an aging despot trying to keep control. In the sphere of theology and spirituality we would call his actions “spiritual sickness” to just name a few dozen.

    Father Yohannes

  4. why would a Bishop not want a priest to wear his cassock in public? I can understand how inflammatory it could be in the Middle East, but here it would seem to be great advertising.


  5. All David Moretti has to do was be obedient. Pretty simple. He should also have been obedient to his marriage vows, but left his wife, Diane and his son and daughter for some 20-something in Dallas. For him, it’s about him - feeding his ego and desires.


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