Saturday, November 13, 2010

Poliics, football and the Democratic Party

ASHEVILLE, N.C. — After a junior year in which he almost won the Heisman Trophy, Heath Shuler was picked in the first round of the 1994 National Football League draft by the Washington Redskins. In less than two seasons — and after a few too many interceptions — he was replaced as the team’s starting quarterback. ESPN described him as one of the all-time draft busts.

He might be expected to play down such a distinction. But Mr. Shuler, 38, who just won a third term as the congressman representing North Carolina’s 11th District, has turned it into metaphor.

“It’s no different than me as a quarterback,” he said in an interview here on Thursday. “I didn’t play very good. So what they’d do? They benched me.”

The Redskins in this instance are the Democrats in Congress. The dismal season is the trouncing they received at the polls two weeks ago. And the quarterback is Nancy Pelosi, the soon-to-be former speaker of the House.

Since surviving that election, Mr. Shuler has emerged as one of most prominent voices in the debate about the Democratic Party’s immediate future. He was among the first to call for Ms. Pelosi to step down from her leadership role in the new Congress and said he would run for minority leader himself if no alternative emerged (though he admitted that he would be an underdog).

The Democrats’ achievements in the last Congress, Mr. Shuler said, are unpopular with the public because the party’s leadership has been too reflexively partisan. He says a more moderate approach is needed.

“It’s my guys that worked probably harder than any group in Washington, did all the right things, voted the right way and still got beat for the simple fact that you’ve got the far edges running the Congress,” Mr. Shuler said.

His guys are the members of the Blue Dog coalition, a group of conservative Democrats who came together after the Republican sweep of 1994, and, boy, did they ever have a bad Election Day this year. Twenty-four of the bloc’s 58 members were defeated, including two of its four leaders (Mr. Shuler is the coalition’s whip). Four other Blue Dogs are retiring this year.
Read the rest here.

Mr. Shuler has some points. Nancy Pelosi was a great lightning rod for the GOP. But the real problem IMO is that Shuler is a conservative in a liberal party. Back in 1946 the Democrats got handed their south ends in the congressional elections and the Republicans took control of Congress for the first time since Hoover was president. After the dust settled the party leadership urged Harry Truman to tack to the right and abandon a lot of the New Deal and some of his own liberal agenda including civil rights. Truman declined noting "given a choice between a Republican and a Republican, the people will vote for the Republican every time."

And that ladies and gentlemen is what just happened to the Blue Dog Democrats.

On a side note Truman ran against seemingly hopeless odds in 1948 against the Republican 80th Congress (which Truman castigated as the "do-nothing" Congress) and he won re-election and returned the Congress to a Democratic majority. If the GOP has any clue about history they will keep the 80th Congress's fate in mind as they settle down in their new majority.


  1. The reason they want her to stick around has nothing to do with public opinion and everything to do with her ability to raise a fortune for the war chest. If she leaves Washington to be the Mayor of San Fransisco all that lovely money goes with her.

  2. I grew up in Tennessee and remember Shuler being QB right before the Peyton Manning era. He was a good QB. I'm still baffled as to why Shuler is a Democrat. He's more conservative than most Republicans I know, and he still owns half of Grainger County, TN.


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