Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Today's Sour Grapes Award goes to...

...Dana Milbank of the Washington Post and MSNBC.
John Boehner, Haley Barbour and other Republican leaders held a "results watch" at the Grand Hyatt in downtown Washington. For a true victory party, you had to go to Fox News.

At Rupert Murdoch's cable network, the entity that birthed and nurtured the Tea Party movement, Election Day was the culmination of two years of hard work to bring down Barack Obama - and it was time for an on-air celebration of a job well done.

"That's an earthquake," exulted Fox's own Sarah Palin, upon learning the not-unexpected news that Republicans would gain control of the House. "It's a big darn deal."

"It's a comeuppance," Fox News contributor (and Post columnist) Charles Krauthammer contributed.

"I have one word," said Sean Hannity. "Historic."

And Chris Wallace struggled for words. "A gigantic - not a wave election but a tidal wave election," he envisioned.
Read the rest here (if you have the stomach).

Was there some champagne flowing at FOX News? Of course. The network's editorial positions are slightly to the right of Genghis Khan. But come on Dana. You of all people are NOT in a position to whine, when you make near daily appearances on Keith Olbermann's show at a certain network with a reputation for slanted news coverage that is so bad, that if the world were flat they would be in danger of falling off the leftward edge. If this were the Gong Show I would dancing towards a certain mallet right now.

1 comment:

  1. Genghis Khan was all about having an active outdoor lifestyle, overrunning long-established civilizations and replacing their local rulers with his new international order, centralizing authority so as to make the treasure of Eurasia flow into his capital--a place in which religious toleration was the norm. So, being slightly right of this, are you suggesting that FOX News is just left of center-left?


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