Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards’ fight with cancer is coming to an end

Elizabeth Edwards’s cancer has gotten worse and her doctors have recommended against any additional treatment, her family announced Monday.

"Elizabeth has been advised by her doctors that further treatment of her cancer would be unproductive,” said the statement her family provided to NBC News. “She is resting at home with family and friends.”

Edwards was first diagnosed with cancer in 2004, and learned that the cancer had returned in 2007, as her husband John was preparing his presidential bid.

Family sources tell NBC News that doctors told Edwards last week that her cancer has reached the point where aggressive treatment is no longer advisable. She is receiving treatment for symptoms and is "not in pain," a friend said. "She is comfortable."

Although separated from his wife after news of his extramarital affair became public, former presidential candidate John Edwards is with her at their home in North Carolina, along with their children, extended family and friends, sources said. She remains well enough to receive visitors.
Read the rest here.

Sad news. Her husband is a cad, but I always thought she was a classy lady.

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