Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Holy Synod condemns antiSemitic anti-Muslim bishop

THENS, Greece -- Greece's Orthodox church has rejected disparaging comments about Muslims and Jews by a senior cleric that sparked protests from representatives of both faiths.

A statement by the church governing body, the Holy Synod, condemned "any form of racial and religious discrimination."

Serapheim, bishop of Piraeus, described Islam as "a catastrophic worship" that is incompatible with Greece's constitution. He also blamed Greece's financial crisis on Zionist machinations.
Read the rest here.

Frankly he should have been "retired" to a monastery.


  1. The Greek Church of course is at the very vanguard of eliminating ethnic considerations from Church governance. And shame on the bishop for not recognizing the inherent compatibility of Islam with Greece.

  2. Ag - you just made me laugh out loud.

  3. I watched that interview(in Greek) and I would like to note that the Bishop makes a clear distinction between "Zionism" and "the Jews", a distinction which oftentimes is lost on many people who perhaps unintentionally associate an apologia against Zionism with antisemitism.

    To oversimplify, a mark of our overly politically correct times that such an association is automatically assumed.

  4. Bishop Serapheim was correct, unfortunately.


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