Monday, February 07, 2011

Ecumenism I: Anglican Catholic "dialogue" resumes

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 3, 2011 ( The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) is opening a new phase of dialogue with a meeting scheduled for May 17-27.

A communiqué from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity noted that this new phase of work was mandated by Benedict XVI and the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at their meeting in November 2009.

The first meeting of the new phase of the commission will take place at the Monastery of Bose in northern Italy.

The communiqué noted that "the task of this third phase of ARCIC will be to consider fundamental questions regarding the 'Church as Communion -- Local and Universal,' and 'How in Communion the Local and Universal Church Comes to Discern Right Ethical Teaching.'"
Read the rest here.

HT: The Young Fogey who nails it with his three sentence commentary... "What on earth for? Fallible church where everything’s up for a vote; infallible church they left. Each side knows all there is to know about the other. Corporate reunion can’t happen."

What a waste of time.


  1. "Great minds think alike," as I was thinking about what the big fuggin deal is with so-called "ecumenical" dialogues. The way I see it:

    Catholics--"Look at how pious we are for condescending to our schismatic brethren. Aren't we great?"

    Orthodox--"Look at how pious we are for resisting Western innovationism. Aren't we great?"

    Anglicans--"Look at how pious we are for encouraging the troglodytic dinosaur churches to embrace modernism, feminism and secularism. Aren't we great?"

  2. By the way, I've been searching up and down the blogosphere for a picture of ABC Williams and +Hilarion. Williams has this crooked, ****-eating grin and Hilarion, in white klobuk, can barely contain his disappointment.

  3. Ingemar, do you mean this pic?


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