Monday, March 28, 2011

Church of England Cathedral opens its doors to sorcery

Manchester Cathedral is to host a ‘new age’ festival featuring tarot card readers, crystal healers and ‘dream interpretation’.

Local Anglican leaders have agreed to throw open the doors of the historic cathedral in a bid to embrace alternative forms of Christianity.

Fortune tellers, meditation experts and traditional healers will fill the pews during the day-long festival in May. The Bishop of Manchester, Rt Rev Nigel McCulloch, said he wanted to celebrate ‘all forms of spirituality’.

The Spirit of Life festival on May 2 will also feature stalls and workshops on angels, prayer bead-making and massage.
Read the rest here.
HT: T-19


  1. If I spent too much time thinking about the apostasy of our Bishops I think I would cry myself to sleep every night.....

  2. Nidal,
    Alternatively you might ponder the apostasy of your bishops and take it as a sign that it is time to find a new spiritual home.

    In ICXC

  3. Even though the Episcopal Church and I parted company 15 years ago, this still makes me sick.

  4. I was going to post something snarky, but it's just too pathetic. I mean, it's right there in Galatians 5: those who practice sorcery will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

  5. While I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if true, the Manchester media is among the worst rags on earth and the Cathedral is disclaiming the story.


  6. ...I should have added that this is not to say that some of the things the church itself announces isn't highly questionable none the less. But sorry, no tarot cards.


  7. Here are the links describing the event.

    It may not be your cup of tea but it isn't "sorcery" by any means.

    I think that financial "sorcery" is more to be feared.


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