Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Pirate: Danish family will be killed if rescue attempted

NAIROBI, Kenya — A Somali pirate is warning that his peers will kill their seven Danish hostages if any rescue attempt is made.

Abdullahi Mohamed told The Associated Press that he has ties with the gang holding the four adults and three children. Mohamed has provided reliable information to AP in the past.

Mohamed said Tuesday that any attack against the pirates would result in the deaths of the hostages, and he referred to the killings last week of four American hostages taken captive by pirates on their yacht.

Most hostages captured in the pirate-infested waters off East Africa are professional sailors, not families. Pirates are not known to have captured children before.

Just days before the hijacking, the family wrote on a travel blog that it was in daily contact with anti-piracy forces and had prepared a "piracy plan" in case of an attack.

Blog postings chronicling the family's round-the-world journey showed it entered the area well aware that the American yacht had been hijacked by pirates but comforted by the presence of counter-piracy forces.
Read the rest here.

Not exactly the likable fool played by Johnny Depp and other Hollywood romantic pirate characters.


  1. I just don´t understand what makes people want to risk their lives by sailing through pirate infested waters. Haven´t those Danish people heard of the Somalian pirates? It was absolutely crazy to take their kids with them and put them in danger.

  2. Most likely, it just never occurred to them that Somalians might accord the lives of Danes less deference than the Danes might accord the lives of Somalians.

    After all, culture is relative, we all bleed red, people are people, blah blah...


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