Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Royal Wedding: 'Skip the gifts and give to charity'

Prince William and Kate Middleton have asked wedding guests and well wishers to donate to their own special charitable fund rather than give them presents, St James’s Palace has announced.

The gift fund will support 26 charities of the couple’s choice, incorporating the armed forces, children, the elderly, art, sport and conservation.

Each was hand-picked and chosen with careful thought.

Many of the organisations are small local projects with extremely limited budgets and they spoke yesterday of their great delight and surprise at being chosen, acknowledging that the recognition alone was a real boost.
Read the rest here.

Very classy. Maybe this will start a trend.

1 comment:

  1. It is a rare and selfless Christian decision that Prince William and Kate Middleton have made, in asking wedding guests to donate to any one of 26 charities, rather than giving wedding gifts to themselves.

    Hopefully, this decision will set a precedent for a plethora of other marriage-planning couples to take similar action.


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