Saturday, March 05, 2011

You do what?

Being in Florida where I am helping mom with my step-father who is in the advanced stages of dementia is going to require some adjustments this Lent. So I was explaining to her the nuts and bolts of Orthodox Lent... and I could tell from her facial expression that she was wondering just how many people in the family were losing it. Hopefully she has not booked reservations for me in a nice padded room with a complimentary "I love me" suit.


  1. So sorry to hear this about your father. My dad had dementia , too. Except for one brief stage, he wasn't aware of it, though, so that was a mercy. HE wasn't suffering. We were, losing him piecemeal. Dementia breaks our hearts one piece at a time.

    I hope you'll accept my unworthy prayers.

  2. My precious 80 yr old mother has tried very hard to understand, without much success, so I've stopped talking about it. We're so blessed that she's still able to cook for the family now and then; I just eat whatever she serves me.
    (My prayers for your mother in this. My own dad was severely disabled for many years from a stroke -- Mom was a faithful caretaker, which you know is the hardest job in the world.)


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