Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cardinal George Suspends Fr. Pfleger (Ultra-Lefty)

The tension that has simmered for decades between the Rev. Michael Pfleger and the Archdiocese of Chicago came to a head Wednesday when Cardinal Francis George suspended the outspoken priest from St. Sabina Catholic Church, the South Side parish he has led for nearly 30 years.

In a sternly written letter to Pfleger, the cardinal said the priest's recent remarks in the media that he would leave the Catholic Church if he were removed from St. Sabina had "short-circuited" efforts that have been under way for weeks to reach an agreement on his transition.

"If that is your attitude, you have already left the Catholic Church and are therefore not able to pastor a Catholic parish," the cardinal wrote.

The cardinal named the Rev. Thulani Magwaza, the associate pastor at St. Sabina, as administrator during the suspension and the Rev. Andrew Smith, a priest at St. Ailbe Parish, as his assistant.
Read the rest here.

On a side note... what is an Associate Minister?  I was RC for the better part of four decades and I don't remember that title, nor female clergy, if that is what Ms. Lymore is claiming to be...


  1. I can't read minds and I can't find info on the website, nor have I met Ms. Lymore personally. However, I do believe that the Associate Minister title is usually reserved for lay staff who work with special groups such as youth ministers or college minister associates. Of course, I could be very, very wrong on this.

    By the way, John, I had no idea you were a former Catholic. Did you ever write about what made you go East?

  2. after he got fed up with SSPX and being a sedevacantist is suppose


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