Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A sad note

For those not already aware, Owen White our favorite Ochlophobist, is ending his blog on May 1st.  My understanding is that he plans to delete the blog including its archives, which I find most regrettable.  There is a wealth of great material over there.  If you want to save any of it I suggest doing so soon.


  1. That's is sad. I wish him the best.

  2. I hope he isn't quitting the church - the nature of his postings and his comments in the final months of his blog have taken a deeply cynical turn, well beyond his usual skewering of smiley-face Christianity, whether of the convert-Orthodox or other variety. Although after the Met Philip nonsense and the ongoing problems in the OCA, I could understand how this might happen.

  3. He's not leaving, and he's been a dour Marxist of sorts for quite some time.

    The people who think this is unprecedented for him have not been paying attention.

  4. Judging others is such a terrible, destructive thing.

    No, I'm not alluding to any of the previous comments here; I'm just sayin'....

  5. As a native Memphian, I often found it hard to read many of his comments about my home city, but never felt myself competent to argue with him. Wish him all the best.

  6. He drank too deeply of the font of Arturo Vasquez.


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