Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Quote of the day...

"So when does Seal Unit 6, or whatever it's called, drop in on George Bush? Bush was responsible for a lot more death, innocent death, than bin Laden. Wasn't he, or am I wrong here?,"
-Left-wing radio talk show host Mike Malloy


  1. No need to count corpses. The only reason why presidents kill more innocent people than jihadists is because they have more money and access. Monsters on both sides.

  2. The same of course can be said of Obama... I'm liking this left-wing blogger I've recently discovered who makes a point of calling Obama a "mass-murdering sociopath" pretty much any chance he gets. I'm thinking that about the only American politicians in the last century I know of that didn't implicitly or explicitly condone or even authorize mass slaughter of innocents are limited to Kucinich, the Pauls, and Robert Taft.

    I know it's considered crass for Americans to say such things about their leaders, but frankly if I have the right to free speech I feel entitled to make use of it occasionally...

  3. @sjgmore: Be circumspect. Your right to free speech is guaranteed by that same Constitution our politicians, whether Bush or Obama, daily trample upon.

  4. Why do we as Christians insist on assuming the sins of others are worse than our own?


  5. Sounds like something a Portlander would say :-).

  6. @sjgmore,

    I think Calvin Coolidge would also make your short list.

  7. Well David, Cool Cal was indeed a non-interventionist, but that didn't get in the way of his invading Nicaragua. But then again, so many US presidents have invaded Nicaragua that it can be dismissed as a knee-jerk reaction.


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