Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Republicans seek to curb new consumer protection agency

...With just two months to go before the law officially grants the agency those powers, Congress is considering measures that supporters of the new agency say would substantially weaken it before it writes its first new rule.

Last week, the House Financial Services Committee passed three bills to tighten the reins on the agency. One would create a new bipartisan commission to oversee it. A second would make it easier for other regulators to veto any new rules written by the CFPB. And a third would give it independent status only if its director is confirmed by the Senate, where Republicans are also demanding changes in oversight of the agency

"No person should have the unfettered authority presently granted to the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau," forty-four GOP senators wrote to Obama earlier this month. "Therefore we believe that the Senate should not consider any nominee to be CFPB director until the CFPB is properly reformed."
Read the rest here.


  1. More evidence of the poisonous and appalling banker-libertarian control of the GOP.

  2. I have no problem with substantive critical comments. But these one line anonymous attacks are getting old. The word "troll" comes to mind.


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