Friday, May 06, 2011

SPAM of a different flavor

This just showed up in my inbox somehow getting past my generally very good spam filter.

Do you need a top quality light concealed bulletproof vest??Israeli made. Battle proven. NIJ certified!
Introducing the Robo Level 3A Concealed vest. Light, concealed and comfort.The next generation of bullet proof vests. Less than $370! Retail price is more than $800!Level 3A protection NIJ certified.

Well at least it's not the usual offer for viagra or some new method of enlarging certain parts of my anatomy.  I wonder if someone is trying to give me a hint.  Maybe I need to lighten up on the Anglicans...

1 comment:

  1. I had a call from "an outside line" (which means that they didn't actually call me but somehow planted a message in my voicemail today wanting to sell me something strange. I'm right there with you.


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