Friday, June 03, 2011

Admin: Spammers are getting clever

I note with sadness that spammers are getting a bit more sneaky.  Apparently they now actually read or at least glance at the post before posting a comment which appears to actually be on topic and contains no links.  The link is in their profile. They post using commercial names.  I missed this completely until I noticed a comment from someone with a rather sleazy blogger ID.

So yea, I spent part of the morning reviewing the more recent comments and deleting those (a good half dozen) with obviously commercial blogger IDs that contained links in their profiles.  I hope I am not gong to have to put comments on permanent moderation.  I already have comments for all posts over 2 weeks old  moderated.  Sigh...


  1. I agree, spammers are getting sneakier and sneakier. I've had the same issue myself which I've blogged about. You can read about and learn about an exciting opportunity for free money from the vice president of Nigeria.

  2. "They" aren't reading or glancing at the post. Just sophisticated algorithms.

    The Turing Test.


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