Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Another slap in the face for Britain: the Obama administration sides with Argentina and Venezuela in OAS declaration on the Falklands

President Obama was effusive in his praise for the Special Relationship when he visited London recently, but his administration continues to slap Britain in the face over the highly sensitive Falklands issue. Washington signed on to a “draft declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands” passed by unanimous consent by the General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) at its meeting in San Salvador yesterday, an issue which had been heavily pushed by Argentina. In doing so, the United States sided not only with Buenos Aires, but also with a number of anti-American regimes including Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela and Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua.

The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a position which London has long viewed as completely unacceptable. It also comes in the wake of increasing aggression by the Kirchner regime in the past 18 months, including threats to blockade British shipping in the South Atlantic.
Read the rest here.

This is appalling. The Falklands have NEVER for one minute been a part of Argentina except when invaded and briefly occupied in the early 1980's. The population there is 100% British and have repeatedly made it clear they wish to remain British.  The Brits should tell Zero to go pack sand.


  1. I ran across an interesting analysis of the Falklands situation at

    Bill, tGf

  2. I was reading with relish Maggie Thatcher's frank reply to Pope JPII's pleas for "peace" after the Argentinian invasion.


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